
A little something bout me

My name is Catherine and my favorite thing in life is learning. My personal goal is to learn something new in ever task/project I complete. I'm a geologist and a font-end developer. I studied geology because I think rocks are intriguing. To be able to look at a landscape and try to visualize how it formed is just as enjoyable as reading a book. This geology degree has led me to environmental remediation. Every project has its own quirks and being able to use my knowledge and skills to help find solutions for groundwater and soil remediation is a wonderful feeling.

Along with my love of geology, I have another interest in coding. I'm currently learning how to code through a coding bootcamp called SheCodes. I plan to continue learning more coding skills and techniques through new projects. I'll be displaying those new projects soon, so stay tuned!
I am seeking new opportunities in front-end development and I'm open to work local and/or remotely.

Here are my current coding skills and tools

You can contact me at